Repair leaking rivets, cracks, and seams on aluminum boats. this 2-part epoxy adhesive sealer comes in a convenient cartridge with a mixing tip that dispenses the exact 1:1 ratio with no measuring, mixing, or mess.. Re: gluvit or 5200 for sealing rivets & seams in aluminum hull? i used both gluvit and 5200. i use closed end rivets on the hull with 5200 on them and then gluvits on the inside. where i had to use reg pop rivets in a few spots, i did the same with the 5200 and gluvits plus i mixed alittle gluvits and injected the rivet with a hypo needle. We have a video demonstrating aluminum boat repair: fixing leaking rivets in an aluminum boat. we wanted to experiment with using g/flex to fix leaking aluminum boats. i was quite surprised to find that every aluminum boat owner i talked to said they had some sort of leak..
Check out cabela's for their aluminum boat patch. its a plastic-like 3m product that melts onto the bottom of the boat. flip the boat over, sand down the area around the leaky rivet and apply the patch by heating up the area with a blow torch. the patch will melt right onto the metal and cover the leaky rivet.. Totalboat aluminum boat leak sealer is different. it's the fast, easy way to repair leaking rivets, cracks, seams, and holes in your aluminum boat. it comes in a handy cartridge that fits in a standard caulk gun.. Leaky rivet boat. fish drifter, apr 9, 2009, in forum: das boot! boating discussions. replies: 4 views: 2,007. wannafish best way to seal aluminum boat, does flex seal work on aluminum boats, does flex seal work on boats, flex seal boat, flex seal on aluminum boat.
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