With glen-l proven plans & kits, building your own boat can be a reality. choose one of the categories below, click on a boat for the listing of items available plus more info and photos. simple as that… get started today! if you know the boat design name, use our alphabetical design index. design characteristics – boat drawing with all. Common to designs that look good and age well: the boats' appearance matches their intended purpose; lines and details honestly reflect the construction methods; and decoration, if any, is appropriate. to my eyes some of these designs, such as the macgregor sailing canoe on page 100, stand out as classically beautiful.. Hi all, i'm interested in design aspects of grp boats up to about 21'. these include inboard and outboard boats for ski and wake boarding as well as sea going boats used for recreational fishing and diving (cc, wa, cuddy cabin etc.)..
These different boat designs depend on their functions-some are built for stability, others for speed. a key feature of a boat's design is the shape of the hull, which is the body of the boat (see figure 1 below). flat-bottom boats are simple to build and have a shallow draft (the part of the boat that's under the water).. Information about boat designs. boat hulls -- form and function. with photographs from books and magazines, after students complete the clay boats activity, they can compare their own designs to boats commonly used for trade and recreation, both past and present.. Plans - boatbuilding. we are plans agents for quite a few designers, including john atkin, phil bolger, nelson zimmer, joel white, iain oughtred, charlie wittholz, nat herreshoff, bill garden, john alden, albert strange, graeme king, and many more. boatbuilding plans are the ultimate diy (do it yourself) item..
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